Hey my Ng d00ds/peeps, That venom, a.k.a NightRaid-NG guy, wants people, random (Like me) or otherwise, to reach out, and help support his game grow in popularity, and maybe even help out with the audio of each of the character's voices. So please check out this poor young man's game volt, or jolt rather sorry. I'm sure he would greatly appreciate it. I've looked at his overall game development, and so far it seems like it will be a pretty engaging game. I may even play the demo of this game when it comes out, for my own curiousity may get the better of me! hahah. The OST for what I assume is for the game, is already out on there too, and is quite neat. So give that a listen as well if you very well wish. Alright mateys, You may as well peace out now like you've never peaced out before.
hey,my name on ROBLOX is Endermankillsagain,are you online?
Sure am. I'll make sure to add you.