- I know this isn't much, but I just want to give a shoutout to JonTron. For bringing me more peace, laughter, and joy to my life, when I was a teenager.
- I remember when I first discovered your Nuts and Bolts game review video, on YouTube (Of course, where else would I have found it, back then!? ;). I thought to myself "This awesome video has how many hits? From a famous YouTuber, whose YouTube attire, and personality/video-film-making skills/talents are already at the top of his level!? I am so subscribing to this dude!). And since then, It has been a journey, from your movie review of Birdemic. Which, by the way, I knew afterwards, after seeing that movie review from you, that the ending of your Nuts and Bolts game review with the kazooie-like birds, flying into the ocean's distance, that it was a reference to your up-coming Birdemic video. Then to you reviewing just generally bad, and awful games. Searching through your video and content, kept me entertained for hours on end. Also, I know this may sound kinda weird, maybe creepy, and sort of random but, Your chin beard without the mastache, suited you quite well. May Jacques R.I.P. May he or she always be remembered. The ng game on here called "Bird vs. Camel" by MikeSalyh, was an awesome tribute to Jacques. :').
- JonTron, you are a very talented, and creative artist. I like your style, and you are an overall, great content maker. You are, obviously, popular for a reason, Jon Jafari! (I hope it is okay to use your real name! :(.
- Btw, Plasma3's music and instrumental remixes, of your songs, is the bomb! literally. In my humble opinion, I honestly believe that you were the star highlight of the show "Game-Grumps". The fan-made Game Grump remixes were the best, when you were in/involved in them.
So I just want to thank you, for that. Plus, bonus points for being a hardcore Banjo-Kazooie/Rareware/Grant Kirkhope (His video game OST is literally the greatest, next to Robin Beanland and David Wise. Of course Eveline Fischer is quite good, too!) fan, like me! :D. That'll be all, my main men!
I dislike him...
How come? :(